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作为英超联赛的官方指定啤酒 Guinness 将在马来西亚指定的酒吧举办一系列观赛派对。这不仅是一场比赛,更是一场将足球迷凝聚在一起的狂欢盛宴。
球迷们可以感受英超联赛的热烈氛围,在享受每个精彩进球时,举杯畅饮一杯醇厚的Guinness黑啤。更令人心动的是,还有机会赢取丰厚奖品,甚至包括终极大奖——一场全包费用的英超联赛现场观赛之旅!Guinness 通过多项媒体渠道大力推广全新宣传活动 “Lovely Game for a…
男模 Konstantin Kostyn 被摄影师称赞拥有一副美丽的眼睛
摄影师: Miky Merisi | Instagram | X
男模: Konstantin Kostyn | Instagram | JustForFans
型男 Konstantin 是一位健身模特;他是全世界最受欢迎的模特。摄影师 Miky Merisi 说道。他有非常美丽的眼睛和很棒的身体。他也成为广告商家们的新宠儿!图片和资料来源: DNA 网络杂志
Moses Media 分享报道
网模 Wilson Lai 夏日为 Marcuse 泳裤拍摄
PHOTOGRAPHER: Antony Kozz | Instagram
MODEL: Wilson Lai | Instagram
Featured by Moses Media 图片来源:DNA 杂志提供
奧運游泳 荷蘭泳將穿「肉色泳褲」 下水變透明一夕爆紅
巴黎奧運男子100公尺蛙泳的比賽,荷蘭選手阿爾諾·卡明哈(Arno Kamminga)以59.12秒的出色表現奪得銀牌。…
22歲鮮肉跳水選手Jude Bouyer 泳褲太緊!「下面鼓一大包」粉絲瘋了 !
巴黎奧運吸引全球關注,其中跳水項目更是吸引廣大女性的注意,畢竟又帥又有肌肉的養眼畫面。根據《Perthnow》報導,以跳水界來說,年僅22歲的法國選手布耶 (Jules Bouyer) 實力不容小覷。曾拿下2023年歐洲運動會男子3公尺跳板跳水銀牌、男子雙人3公尺跳板銅牌,2023年世界游泳錦標賽男子雙人3公尺跳板銅牌等,本屆奧運被寄與厚望。…
由 KOTEX MALAYSIA 协办“KASIH REMAJA Advokasi SRH” 倡议计划 9万8千名学生受益
由 LPPKN 与 Kotex Malaysia 联合举办的 “Kasih Remaja:青少年的性健康和生殖健康教育倡议 (Advokasi SRH) ” 活动。由妇女、家庭及社会发展部部长, 拿督斯里南希苏克里 (YB Dato' Sri Hajah Nancy Binti Shukri) 及 敦拉萨镇国会议员兼首相夫人,拿督斯里旺阿兹莎 (YB Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail) 的共同见证下,于国际青年中心 (IYC)…
#YouMake the Winning Play: Exclusive Samsung Deals For Tech Enthusiasts!
Samsung Electronics is excited to announce the launch of the #YouMake promotion on Samsung Online Store, a global event running from May for about a month across over 30 countries. This flagship campaign, now in its third year, embodies…
EV Connection (EVC) Officially Launches AutoCharge By JomCharge On 200+ Charging Points
EVC, via their JomCharge app, officially rolled out the AutoCharge feature for their DC Chargers today. Whilst previously some Chery Omoda users were already able to utilize this function, the registration was manual and involved the user…
Pre Order Your Dream Monitor Today with Exclusive Savings Up to RM1,000
Samsung is once again revolutionising the monitor industry with its latest offerings. The Samsung 2024 New Monitor series is set to redefine the way you experience visuals, productivity, and entertainment. Featuring a range of models…
MuzArt International and Enrich Announce Winners of ART FLIES HIGH Competition Top 50 Designs…
MuzArt International and Enrich, the Travel & Lifestyle Loyalty Programme of Malaysia Airlines, are delighted to announce the winners of the 'ART FLIES HIGH’ competition. The competition, which invited children aged 4-12 from across…